About Blaise
Thank you for visiting my website! I'm Blaise from Taiwan, a small island located in East Asia. As you might have noticed, I have a great interest in collecting letters. Besides, I also enjoy many hobbies such as football (my favourite player: Declan Rice), snooker, piano (been learning for 10 years), and so many things as well. And I really like Sarah Brightman's music, I like her pure voice so much! And concerning my favourite sport, I must say I am proud of being a Gooner! Supporting Arsenal is really proud for me, if you are also a fan of any FC, feel free to have a talk with me!
About the Beginning of Writing
I write to many royalties and celebrities and collect their responses. As a royal family fan, it all began with my first letter to HM Queen Elizabeth II (the monarchy I admire the most) upon Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee in 2022. Although I did not receive a reply for that jubilee, since it was my first letter to Royalty, that letter has been an extremely important milestone in my writing days.
To Whom Do I Write?
Following the first letter to HM Queen Elizabeth II, I began to write to many Royalties, from the UK to Cambodia, receiving their replies just like we are witnessing the modern royal era. Additionally, I write to celebrities, football clubs, and politicians as well. For example, Mr, Richard Clyderman, the world-famous pianist, even replied to me with an autograph!
Pen Pals
It is no exaggeration to say doing penpalling is the most fascinating way to meet people around the world, exchanging different cultures can always be cool. However, due to privacy, I always chose to cover the letters between me and my pen pals.
About This Website
Since I have collected many replies, I found it would be great if I create a website to share them with people all over the world, so there it is, what you are visiting now! You can now find my collections and details based on the flowing pages (click the texts to link to the pages):
Home Page - You can find all topics here including replies, events, and so on.
About - Concerning everything based on me and this website.
Sent - Records of letters that are sent out each month.
Collection - Powered by Blogger, an archive which collects all the replies I received.
Christmas - Christmas reply analysis based on letters I received upon Christmas.
Calendar - You can find the royal events' calendar, including bday, wedding anniversary, etc.
Address - Addresses of Royal families, football clubs, etc. Some of them are for trade only.
Contact - Whatever you want let me know, please feel free to contact me here.
Website Charity Works
If you have charity works or unprofitable programmes (for example: registered charity programmes, personal life blog, etc.) and would like to share your works or ad on my blog for free, please feel free to email me (blaisewritingblog@gmail.com) to get access. However, I cannot promise to post every request, and all the rights reserved by Blaise Writing Blog and its founder. Also, your project cannot contain discriminatory measures or any activities that violate human rights based on race, gender, nationality, etc.